Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 1.0 or greater within 300 mi
Update time = Tue, 08-Oct-2024 18:34:42 PDT

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
7 km NNW of Ridgely, Tennessee 1.8 00010162 mi 1728234326Sun, 06-Oct-2024 10:05:26 PDT map
2 km ESE of Howardville, Missouri 1.4 00012477 mi 1728152152Sat, 05-Oct-2024 11:15:52 PDT map
1 km ESE of Howardville, Missouri 2.3 00012477 mi 1728151316Sat, 05-Oct-2024 11:01:56 PDT map
2 km S of Ringgold, Georgia 2.2 000346215 mi 1728090431Fri, 04-Oct-2024 18:07:11 PDT map
2 km SSW of Ridgely, Tennessee 2.5 00009257 mi 1727995297Thu, 03-Oct-2024 15:41:37 PDT map

5 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

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Map and data courtesy of United States Geological Survey.